Morgan Contracting Offices
Poplar Hill Nursing Home, Office Area
Prestwick Motors
Reilly + Associates Offices
Rodless Interiors, 3rd Floor
Sandata, Inc.
Siemens Medical Systems
Somerset Office Building
T.M. Bier & Assoc.
Uniflex Inc.
Westbury Federal Savings & Loan Assoc.
Yanoff Office Building
Association for the Help of Retarded Children (AHRC) Admin. Bldg.
Northern Bay Properties, 20 Audrey Avenue
Reilly + Associates Architects, Sea Cliff Corporate Offices
Historic Restoration
Association for the Help of Retarded Children (AHRC) – Cissy Birbaum
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Code Review
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Fence
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Greenhouse II
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Interiors
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – New Day Treatment Facility
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Pool House etc., Housing
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Silver Building
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Greenhouse
Assoc. for the Help of Retarded Children – Prelim.Program New Property
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Programming
Association for the Help of Retarded Children – Restoration, Admin.Bldg.
Blessed Sacrament Church
C.W. Post College Dormitories
Child Education Center
Glen Gariff Senior Manor
Pirello (York College)
St. Paul’s Church
St. Paul’s Gable Roof Addition
Hillman Residence
Kaider Residence
Kalnins Residence
Lavin Residence
Lee Residence
Levy Residence
Louie Residence
Martarona Residence
Melillo Residence
Miness Residence
Nelkin Residence
Bayville Beach House
Nicoletta Residence – Brookville
Osmundsen Residence
Parker Residence
Pirello Residence
Pirello Residence II
Pleasantville Condo Project
Rabal Residence
Raynham Road – Plot A
Raynham Road – Plot B
Reardon Residence
Reese Residence
Reilly Residence, Creek Ridge Road
Reilly Residence (Albany)
Riddick Bowe Residence
Riechers Residence
Santomera Residence
Schweitzer Residence
Sea Cliff Victorian Villas
Sendrowitz Residence
Sharon Giordano Residence
Taddonio Residence
Valentine Residence
West Residence
Wilkins Residence
Woolard Residence (Barrie)
Zammet Residence II
Adler and Epstein Residence
Alchermes Residence
Alessi Residence
Barry Residence
Boatyard Condominium – City Island
Borer Residence
Brodsky Residence
Cardoza Winer Residence
Carson Residence
Chardavoyne Residence
Chase Residence
Coletta Residence
DelVecchio – Residence
Dr. Alchermes Residence
Dr. Chernik Residence (Bayshore)
Dr. Chernik Residence/Boat - Interiors
Dr. Gelber Residence
Dr. Mortati Residence
Finn Residence
Gallo Residence
Genovese Garage
Hewlett Residential #4
Hewlett Residential #5
Hewlett Residential #6
Hewlett Residential #7
Hewlett Residential #8
Hewlett Residential #9
Hewlett Residential #10
Guidice Residence
Harkavy Residence
Heyman Residence
Copyright (C) 2013 Reilly + Associates Architects
Interior Designers